Download your Co-author Templates
Your chapter should be around 1500 to 2000 words, and each chapter will include a mono picture. The picture should be a mono headshot with no background or the background cut out. Please be sure to include your business details if you want them to be in the business directory in the book.
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Include in the chapter the following:
Introduction: Tell people a little about yourself and the journey that led to you finding out that you have ADHD and what led you to that decision.
Your stories: You can add several short and long stories to your chapter
End paragraph: Share the positives of how having ADHD has given you the opportunity to achieve .....
Short Humourous Stories Template
Do you have a story that's so funny, so hilarious, and so uniquely ADHD that it deserves to be shared with the world? If you've ever found yourself in side-splitting situations, thanks to your adult ADHD, then this is the opportunity you've been waiting for.
This template is for anyone who wants to share short humorous stories.
Click to download
Upload your Word Document and Photo
Please upload your files by clicking the upload buttons below.